I didn't receive a confirmation email

If you completed a purchase and you can't find a confirmation email don't worry.

If your order was successful you should have received an email from either: 

  • Stripe / Shopify: If you paid with a debit or credit card
  • or PayPal: If you paid via PayPal

If you received one of the above but not the confirmation email please check your spam folder as it most likely went there by mistake. Make sure to white-list our emails to make sure you receive your tracking number once your order ships.

Confirmation emails and tracking numbers are automatically sent to the email you used when placing your order. If you have more than 1 email address make sure to check them as well.

Did not get any emails - even on my spam folder

If you didn't receive  any of the above emails it is most likely your email address had a typo or there was an issue and your order didn't go through.

Please contact us so we are able to locate your order and confirm it is all good :)
As we usually locate orders with clients' emails, please provide the below details when you reach out so we can assist you faster:

  • Full name
  • Shipping address 
  • Order details (product, price, etc)
  • Screenshot of card statement (if you have it)

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